Tag | (0028,0002) |
Type | Required (1) |
Keyword | SamplesPerPixel |
Value Multiplicity | 1 |
Value Representation | Unsigned Short (US) |
Example Values |
Number of samples (planes) in this image. See Section C. for further explanation.
Enumerated Values:
Samples per Pixel (0028,0002) is the number of separate planes in this image. One and three image planes are defined. Other numbers of image planes are allowed, but their meaning is not defined by this Standard.
For monochrome (gray scale) and palette color images, the number of planes is 1. For RGB and other three vector color models, the value of this Attribute is 3.
The use of a value of 4 was previously described, but the Photometric Interpretations that used it have been retired.
All image planes shall have the same number of Rows (0028,0010), Columns (0028,0011), Bits Allocated (0028,0100), Bits Stored (0028,0101), High Bit (0028,0102), Pixel Representation (0028,0103), and Pixel Aspect Ratio (0028,0034).
Downsampled chrominance planes of a color Photometric Interpretation are a special case, e.g., for a Photometric Interpretation (0028,0004) of YBR_FULL_422. In such cases, Samples per Pixel (0028,0002) describes the nominal number of channels (i.e., 3), and does not reflect that two chrominance samples are shared between four luminance samples. For YBR_FULL_422, Rows (0028,0010) and Columns (0028,0011) describe the size of the luminance plane, not the downsampled chrominance planes.
The data in each pixel may be represented as a "Composite Pixel Code". If Samples Per Pixel is one, the Composite Pixel Code is just the "n" bit pixel sample, where "n" = Bits Allocated. If Samples Per Pixel is greater than one, Composite Pixel Code is a "k" bit concatenation of samples, where "k" = Bits Allocated multiplied by Samples Per Pixel, and with the sample representing the vector color designated first in the Photometric Interpretation name comprising the most significant bits of the Composite Pixel Code, followed in order by the samples representing the next vector colors, with the sample representing the vector color designated last in the Photometric Interpretation name comprising the least significant bits of the Composite Pixel Code. For example, for Photometric Interpretation = "RGB", the most significant "Bits Allocated" bits contain the Red sample, the next "Bits Allocated" bits contain the Green sample, and the least significant "Bits Allocated" bits contain the Blue sample.