Computed Radiography ImageCIOD
Nuclear Medicine ImageCIOD
Ultrasound ImageCIOD
Ultrasound Multi-frame ImageCIOD
Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Single Bit Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Grayscale Byte Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Grayscale Word Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame True Color Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
X-Ray Angiographic ImageCIOD
X-Ray Radiofluoroscopic ImageCIOD
RT Structure SetCIOD
Positron Emission Tomography ImageCIOD
Digital X-Ray ImageCIOD
Digital Mammography X-Ray ImageCIOD
Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray ImageCIOD
RT Beams Treatment RecordCIOD
RT Brachy Treatment RecordCIOD
RT Treatment Summary RecordCIOD
VL Endoscopic ImageCIOD
VL Microscopic ImageCIOD
VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic ImageCIOD
VL Photographic ImageCIOD
Video Endoscopic ImageCIOD
Video Microscopic ImageCIOD
Video Photographic ImageCIOD
VL Whole Slide Microscopy ImageCIOD
Real-Time Video Endoscopic ImageCIOD
Real-Time Video Photographic ImageCIOD
Dermoscopic Photography ImageCIOD
Grayscale Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Color Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Pseudo-Color Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
PatientMModule - Patient
Clinical Trial SubjectUModule - Patient
General StudyMModule - Study
Patient StudyUModule - Study
Clinical Trial StudyUModule - Study
General SeriesMModule - Series
Clinical Trial SeriesUModule - Series
Presentation SeriesMModule - Series
General EquipmentMModule - Equipment
Presentation State IdentificationMModule - Presentation State
Presentation State RelationshipMModule - Presentation State
Presentation State ShutterMModule - Presentation State
Presentation State MaskMModule - Presentation State
MaskCModule - Presentation State
Display ShutterCModule - Presentation State
Bitmap Display ShutterCModule - Presentation State
Overlay PlaneCModule - Presentation State
Overlay ActivationCModule - Presentation State
Displayed AreaMModule - Presentation State
Graphic AnnotationCModule - Presentation State
(0070,0001) Graphic Annotation Sequence1Sequence
(0008,1140) Referenced Image Sequence1CSequence
(0070,0002) Graphic Layer1Code String
(0070,0008) Text Object Sequence1CSequence
(0070,0009) Graphic Object Sequence1CSequence
(0070,0209) Compound Graphic Sequence3Sequence
(0070,0020) Graphic Dimensions1Unsigned Short
(0070,0021) Number of Graphic Points1Unsigned Short
(0070,0022) Graphic Data1Single
(0070,0024) Graphic Filled1CCode String
(0070,0226) Compound Graphic Instance ID1Unsigned Long
(0070,0230) Rotation Angle3Double
(0070,0231) Text Style Sequence3Sequence
(0070,0232) Line Style Sequence3Sequence
(0070,0233) Fill Style Sequence3Sequence
(0070,0261) Gap Length1CSingle
(0070,0262) Diameter of Visibility1CSingle
(0070,0273) Rotation Point1CSingle
(0070,0274) Tick Alignment1CCode String
(0070,0278) Show Tick Label1CCode String
(0070,0279) Tick Label Alignment1CCode String
(0070,0282) Compound Graphic Units1Code String
(0070,0287) Major Ticks Sequence1CSequence
(0070,0294) Compound Graphic Type1Code String
(0070,0295) Graphic Group ID3Unsigned Long
Spatial TransformationCModule - Presentation State
Graphic LayerCModule - Presentation State
Graphic GroupUModule - Presentation State
Modality LUTCModule - Presentation State
Softcopy VOI LUTCModule - Presentation State
Palette Color Lookup TableMModule - Presentation State
ICC ProfileMModule - Presentation State
SpecimenUModule - Presentation State
SOP CommonMModule - Presentation State
Blending Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Basic Structured DisplayCIOD
XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Advanced Blending Presentation StateCIOD
Variable Modality LUT Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Basic Voice Audio WaveformCIOD
Ambulatory ECGCIOD
Hemodynamic WaveformCIOD
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology WaveformCIOD
Arterial Pulse WaveformCIOD
Respiratory WaveformCIOD
General Audio WaveformCIOD
Real-Time Audio WaveformCIOD
Routine Scalp ElectroencephalogramCIOD
Sleep ElectroencephalogramCIOD
Multi-channel Respiratory WaveformCIOD
Body Position WaveformCIOD
General 32-bit ECGCIOD
Basic Text SRCIOD
Enhanced SRCIOD
Comprehensive SRCIOD
Key Object Selection DocumentCIOD
Mammography CAD SRCIOD
Procedure LogCIOD
X-Ray Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Spectacle Prescription ReportCIOD
Macular Grid Thickness and Volume ReportCIOD
Implantation Plan SR DocumentCIOD
Comprehensive 3D SRCIOD
Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Extensible SRCIOD
Acquisition Context SRCIOD
Simplified Adult Echo SRCIOD
Patient Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Planned Imaging Agent Administration SRCIOD
Performed Imaging Agent Administration SRCIOD
Rendition Selection DocumentCIOD
Enhanced X-Ray Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Enhanced MR ImageCIOD
MR SpectroscopyCIOD
Enhanced MR Color ImageCIOD
Raw DataCIOD
Enhanced CT ImageCIOD
Spatial RegistrationCIOD
Deformable Spatial RegistrationCIOD
Spatial FiducialsCIOD
Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit ImageCIOD
Stereometric RelationshipCIOD
Hanging ProtocolCIOD
Encapsulated PDFCIOD
Encapsulated CDACIOD
Real World Value MappingCIOD
Enhanced XA ImageCIOD
Enhanced XRF ImageCIOD
RT Ion Beams Treatment RecordCIOD
Ophthalmic Tomography ImageCIOD
X-Ray 3D Angiographic ImageCIOD
X-Ray 3D Craniofacial ImageCIOD
Breast Tomosynthesis ImageCIOD
Enhanced PET ImageCIOD
Surface SegmentationCIOD
Color PaletteCIOD
Enhanced US VolumeCIOD
Lensometry MeasurementsCIOD
Autorefraction MeasurementsCIOD
Keratometry MeasurementsCIOD
Subjective Refraction MeasurementsCIOD
Visual Acuity MeasurementsCIOD
Ophthalmic Axial MeasurementsCIOD
Intraocular Lens CalculationsCIOD
Generic Implant TemplateCIOD
Implant Assembly TemplateCIOD
Implant Template GroupCIOD
RT Beams Delivery InstructionCIOD
Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry MeasurementsCIOD
Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Thickness MapCIOD
Surface Scan MeshCIOD
Surface Scan Point CloudCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced CT ImageCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced MR ImageCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced PET ImageCIOD
Corneal Topography MapCIOD
Breast Projection X-Ray ImageCIOD
Parametric MapCIOD
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection ImageCIOD
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates ImageCIOD
Tractography ResultsCIOD
RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery InstructionCIOD
Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation StateCIOD
Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation StateCIOD
Content Assessment ResultsCIOD
CT Performed Procedure ProtocolCIOD
CT Defined Procedure ProtocolCIOD
Protocol ApprovalCIOD
XA Performed Procedure ProtocolCIOD
XA Defined Procedure ProtocolCIOD
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume AnalysisCIOD
Encapsulated STLCIOD
Encapsulated OBJCIOD
Encapsulated MTLCIOD
RT Physician IntentCIOD
RT Segment AnnotationCIOD
RT Radiation SetCIOD
C-Arm Photon-Electron RadiationCIOD
Tomotherapeutic RadiationCIOD
Robotic-Arm RadiationCIOD
RT Radiation Record SetCIOD
RT Radiation Salvage RecordCIOD
C-Arm Photon-Electron Radiation RecordCIOD
Tomotherapeutic Radiation RecordCIOD
Robotic-Arm Radiation RecordCIOD
RT Radiation Set Delivery InstructionCIOD
RT Treatment PreparationCIOD
Enhanced RT ImageCIOD
Enhanced Continuous RT ImageCIOD
RT Patient Position Acquisition InstructionCIOD
Microscopy Bulk Simple AnnotationsCIOD
Photoacoustic ImageCIOD
Confocal Microscopy ImageCIOD
Confocal Microscopy Tiled Pyramidal ImageCIOD
Basic DirectoryCIOD

Built with by Innolitics, a team of medical imaging software developers.

Data synced with official DICOM standard on 18 April 2024. The DICOM Standard is under continuous maintenance, and the current official version is available at DICOM Parts 3, 4, and 6, © NEMA. Please note that the most recent PDF version of the standard is the official reference, and should checked when making technical decisions.

Gap Length Attribute

TypeConditionally Required (1C)
Value Multiplicity1
Value RepresentationSingle (FL)

Diameter of the circle around Rotation Point (0070,0273) where the CUTLINE or INFINITELINE is not rendered.

Diameter of the circle around the origin, specified by Graphic Data (0070,0022) where the CROSSHAIR is not rendered.

The Compound Graphic Units (0070,0282) of Gap Length (0070,0261) shall be DISPLAY.

See Section C.

Required if Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) equals CUTLINE, INFINITELINE or CROSSHAIR.

Section C.

C. Compound Graphic Sequence

The Attributes of the Compound Graphic Sequence (0070,0209) are described within this section.

For point encoding rules of Graphic Data (0070,0022) See Section C.

All graphics are applied after the application of the image rendering pipeline.

C. Compound Graphic Instance ID

Every Item in the Compound Graphic Sequence shall have a Compound Graphic Instance ID (0070,0226) with a value that is unique within this Sequence.

There shall be one or more Items in the Graphic Object Sequence or Text Object Sequence that represents an alternate rendering of the Compound Object Sequence Item. As a linkage for backward compatibility these Items share the same Compound Graphic Instance ID (0070,0226).


Every Compound Graphic has an equivalent rendering encoded as a set of simple graphic objects linked by the Compound Graphic Instance ID (0070,0226). Simple graphic objects are elements such as points, polylines, interpolated lines, circles and ellipses. The equivalent rendering is a set of simple graphic objects to support an SCP that only understands the simple graphical objects.

C. Rotation

All Compound Graphics can be rotated by specifying a Rotation Angle (0070,0230) value and a Rotation Point (0070,0273). The convention for rotation is that positive angle values are defined as counterclockwise around Rotation Point (0070,0273).

C. Ellipses

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) ELLIPSE, exactly 2 points shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022). The first point is the top/left hand corner (TLHC) and the second point is the bottom/right hand corner (BRHC) of the bounding rectangle (see Figure C.10.5-2).

Figure C.10.5-2. ELLIPSE on the left and RECTANGLE object on the right

C. Rectangles

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) RECTANGLE, exactly 2 points shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022). The first point is the top/left hand corner of the rectangle (TLHC) and the second point is the bottom/right hand corner (BRHC) of the rectangle (see Figure C.10.5-2).

C. Multi-lines

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) MULTILINE, the list of points inside Graphic Data (0070,0022) is an n-tuple list of start and end points of straight lines to be drawn (see Figure C.10.5-3).

If Rotation Angle (0070,0230) is present, all points in the MULTILINE are rotated around the same Rotation Point (0070,0273).

Figure C.10.5-3. Example for MULTILINE Object

C. Cut and Infinite-lines

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) CUTLINE or INFINITELINE, exactly two points shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022). The rendering of these lines always extends to the borders of the render area of a view(see Figure C.10.5-4).

Figure C.10.5-4. INFINITELINE

Figure C.10.5-5. CUTLINE on the Left and CUTLINE with gap on the Right

In case of a CUTLINE, two arrows shall be drawn perpendicular to the cutline. The arrows ends shall be positioned at the midpoints of each half of the cutline. The arrow heads shall point toward the cutline and shall be drawn in the positive right half-plane of the cutline before rotation. Typically, the arrows indicate the viewing direction for MPR renderings that are referenced by these lines.

Gap Length (0070,0261) defines the diameter of the circular area where the CUTLINE or INFINITELINE is not rendered. Center of the circular area is Rotation Point (0070,0273). Since the dimension units of the Gap Length is DISPLAY, independent of the value of Compound Graphic Units (0070,0282), the length of the gap is not changed by zoom operations on the image performed by the application.

C. Range Lines

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) RANGELINE exactly two points shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022).

Figure C.10.5-6. RANGELINE Example

C. Ruler

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) RULER, exactly two points shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022) defining the ruler line.

Tick Alignment (0070,0274) defines the alignment of the ticks.

BOTTOM - ticks are aligned to the lower part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

CENTER - ticks are centered on the line.

TOP - ticks are aligned to the upper part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

Tick Label Alignment (0070,0279) defines the alignment of the tick labels.

BOTTOM - labels are aligned to the lower part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

TOP - labels are aligned to the upper part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

The presence, labeling and units of the ticks on the line is application dependent(see Figure C.10.5-7). If present as numerical values, the labels of the ticks shall increase toward the second point.

C. Axis

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) AXIS, exactly two points shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022) defining the axis line.

Figure C.10.5-7. RULER / AXIS Example Showing TOP Tick Alignment and TOP Tick Label Alignment

The Major Ticks Sequence (0070,0287) specifies the placement and label of the ticks. The rendering of the minor ticks is left to the application.

Tick Alignment (0070,0274) defines the alignment of the ticks.

BOTTOM - ticks are aligned to the lower part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

CENTER - ticks are centered on the line.

TOP - ticks are aligned to the upper part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

Tick Label Alignment (0070,0279) defines the alignment of the tick labels.

BOTTOM - labels are aligned to the lower part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

TOP - labels are aligned to the upper part of the line, where the first point of the line is on the left and the line extends horizontally to the right.

C. Crosshairs

For Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) CROSSHAIR, exactly one point shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022). This point is the origin of the CROSSHAIR (see Figure C.10.5-8).

Tick Alignment (0070,0274) and Tick Label Alignment (0070,0279) are also valid for the CROSSHAIR. Tick rendering is application dependent.

Figure C.10.5-8. CROSSHAIR Example Showing BOTTOM Tick Labels Alignment

Gap Length (0070,0261) defines the diameter of the circular area around the origin where the CROSSHAIR is not rendered. Since the dimension units of the Gap Length is DISPLAY, independent of the value of Compound Graphics Units (0070,0282), the length of the gap is not changed by zoom operations on the image performed by the application.

Diameter of Visibility (0070,0262) defines the diameter of the circular area around the origin where the CROSSHAIR is rendered. Since the dimension units of the Diameter of Visibility is DISPLAY, independent of the value of Compound Graphic Units (0070,0282), the size of the crosshair is not changed by zoom operations on the image performed by the application.

The value of Tick Alignment (0070,0274) shall be CENTER.

C. Arrows

For the Compound Graphic Type (0070,0294) ARROW, two points shall be present inside Graphic Data (0070,0022). The first point is the anchor point, the second point is the foot point of the arrow(see Figure C.10.5-9). The arrow head style at the anchor point is not specified.

Figure C.10.5-9. ARROW Example

C. Text Style Sequence

Text Style Sequence (0070,0231) contains the text style for each text object. This Attribute gives recommendations on how the annotation text should be rendered at the display.

C. Text Alignment

Horizontal Alignment (0070,0242) and Vertical Alignment (0070,0243) define the position of the text relative to the bounding box of the text object (see Figure C.10.5-10).

Figure C.10.5-10. Example of Horizontal and Vertical CENTER Alignment

C. Text Style Sequence Macro

Table C.10-5a specifies the Attributes of the Text Style Sequence Macro.

Table C.10-5a. Text Style Sequence Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Text Style Sequence



Sequence that describes the text style.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Font Name



Font name in a standard type.

>Font Name Type



Defined Terms:


Required if Font Name (0070,0227) is present.


This is the font naming system used by Adobe PDF and defined in ISO/IEC 14496-22.

>CSS Font Name



Generic font name as defined within CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Default fontname, if the font specified in Font Name (0070,0227) is not present or can not be rendered.

>Text Color CIELab Value



A default color triplet value used to specify the text color in which it is recommended that the text be rendered on a color display. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

This value shall override the Graphic Layer Recommended Display CIELab Value (0070,0401).

>Horizontal Alignment



Specifies the horizontal position of the text relative to the vertical edges of the bounding box. Horizontal Alignment shall override the Bounding Box Text Horizontal Justification (0070,0012) of the Text Object Sequence (0070,0008) Item. See Section C.

Enumerated Values:




Required if Bounding Box Top Left Hand Corner (0070,0010) is present.

>Vertical Alignment



Specifies the vertical position of the text relative to the horizontal edges of the bounding box. See Section C.

Enumerated Values:




Required if Bounding Box Top Left Hand Corner (0070,0010) is present.

>Shadow Style



The shadow style of the text to be displayed.

Enumerated Values:


the shadow is drawn on 1 side of the contour of the text object


the shadow is drawn around the contour of the text object


no shadow

See Section C.

>Shadow Offset X



Floating point value that defines the shadow offset in X direction in Anchor Point Annotation Units (0070,0004) if used in Text Object Sequence (0070,0008) Item or in Graphic Annotation Units (0070,0005) if used in Graphic Object Sequence (0070,0009) Item. See Section C.

Required if Shadow Style (0070,0244) value is not OFF.

>Shadow Offset Y



Floating point value that defines the shadow offset in Y direction in Anchor Point Annotation Units (0070,0004) if used in Text Object Sequence (0070,0008) Item or in Graphic Annotation Units (0070,0005) if used in Graphic Object Sequence (0070,0009) Item. See Section C.

Required if Shadow Style (0070,0244) value is not OFF.

>Shadow Color CIELab Value



A color triplet value used to encode the Shadow Color. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

Required if Shadow Style (0070,0244) value is not OFF.

>Shadow Opacity



Encodes the shadow opacity. The value is encoded as floating point alpha value (0.0-1.0).

Required if Shadow Style (0070,0244) value is not OFF.




Specifies whether or not the text shall be rendered underlined.

Enumerated Values:








Specifies whether or not the text shall be rendered in bold.

Enumerated Values:








Specifies whether or not the text shall be rendered italicized.

Enumerated Values:





C. Line Style Sequence

Table C.10-5b specifies the Attributes of the Line Style Sequence.

Table C.10-5b. Line Style Sequence Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Line Style Sequence



Sequence that describes the line style.

Only a single Item shall be included in this Sequence.

>Pattern On Color CIELab Value



A color triplet value used to encode the foreground. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

This value shall override the Graphic Layer Recommended Display CIELab Value (0070,0401).

>Pattern Off Color CIELab Value



A color triplet value used to encode the color of parts of the line that are off, i.e., the background. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

>Pattern On Opacity



Encodes the foreground opacity. The value is encoded as floating point alpha value (0.0-1.0).

>Pattern Off Opacity



Encodes the background opacity. The value is encoded as floating point alpha value (0.0-1.0).

>Line Thickness



Specifies the line thickness. The dimension for this Attribute is defined by Graphic Annotation Units (0070,0005) or Compound Graphic Units (0070,0282).

>Line Dashing Style



The dashing style of the line to be displayed.

Enumerated Values:



Draws one part of the line with the Pattern On Color CIELab Value (0070,0251) and the other part with the Pattern Off Color CIELab Value (0070,0252).

See Section C.

>Line Pattern



Pattern that defines the line dashing style. The Line Pattern is a 32 bit value. If the bit inside the pattern is set to 1 the foreground color is drawn, else the background color is drawn.


For example, 00FFH defines the dashes with an equal size.

Required if Line Dashing Style (0070,0254) has a value of DASHED.

>Shadow Style



The shadow style of the line to be displayed.

Enumerated Values:


the shadow is drawn on 1 side of the contour of the text object


the shadow is drawn around the contour of the text object


no shadow

See Section C.

>Shadow Offset X



Floating point value that defines the shadow offset in X direction in Graphic Annotation Units (0070,0005). See Section C.

>Shadow Offset Y



Floating point value that defines the shadow offset in Y direction in Graphic Annotation Units (0070,0005). See Section C.

>Shadow Color CIELab Value



A color triplet value used to encode the Shadow Color. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

>Shadow Opacity



Encodes the shadow opacity. The value is encoded as floating point alpha value (0.0-1.0).

C. Line Dashing Style

The Line Dashing Style (0070,0254) value SOLID indicates the line to be drawn with the foreground color, which is specified by Pattern On Color CIELab Value (0070,0251).

The Line Dashing Style (0070,0254) Attribute does not apply to shadows, which shall always be rendered in SOLID background color.

C. Shadows

Shadow Style (0070,0244) contains one of the values OFF, NORMAL or OUTLINED (see Figure C.10.5-11 and Figure C.10.5-12). Shadow shall be applied after rotation. The coordinate system of the shadow is relative to the line. Shadow Offset X (0070,0245) extends to the right and Shadow Offset Y (0070,0246) extends downward.

Figure C.10.5-11. Example for Shadow Style (0070,0244) NORMAL

The OUTLINED shadow defines a filled outline shadow. The length of the vector given by Shadow Offset X (0070,0245) and Shadow Offset Y (0070,0246) defines the radius of the shadow.

Figure C.10.5-12. Example for Shadow Style (0070,0244) OUTLINED

C. Fill Style Sequence Macro

Table C.10-5c specifies the Attributes of the Fill Style Sequence Macro.

Table C.10-5c. Fill Style Sequence Macro Attributes

Attribute Name



Attribute Description

Fill Style Sequence



Sequence that describes the fill style.

Only a single Item is permitted in this Sequence.

>Pattern On Color CIELab Value



A color triplet value used to encode the foreground color. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

This value shall override the Graphic Layer Recommended Display CIELab Value (0070,0401).

>Pattern Off Color CIELab Value



A color triplet value used to encode the background color. The units are specified in PCS-Values, and the value is encoded as CIELab. See Section C.

>Pattern On Opacity



Encodes the foreground opacity. The value is encoded as floating point alpha value (0.0-1.0).

>Pattern Off Opacity



Encodes the background opacity. The value is encoded as floating point alpha value (0.0-1.0).

>Fill Mode



The texture of the closed object to be displayed.

Enumerated Values:



See Section C.

>Fill Pattern



A binary fill pattern. A set bit corresponds to foreground. An unset bit corresponds to background.

A 128 byte value defining a 32x32 1 bit matrix. This fill pattern is replicated in tiles inside the boundaries of the graphic type.

The most significant bit corresponds to the leftmost pixel in the row.

The fill pattern relates to display pixels where one bit value corresponds to one display pixel.

Required if Fill Mode (0070,0257) equals STIPPELED.

C. Fill Mode

Fill Mode (0070,0257) value SOLID indicates that the graphic object is filled with the foreground.

Fill Mode (0070,0257) Attribute does not interfere with (line) shadows, which shall always be rendered in SOLID background color.