Computed Radiography Image | | CIOD |
CT Image | | CIOD |
MR Image | | CIOD |
Nuclear Medicine Image | | CIOD |
Ultrasound Image | | CIOD |
Ultrasound Multi-frame Image | | CIOD |
Secondary Capture Image | | CIOD |
Multi-frame Single Bit Secondary Capture Image | | CIOD |
Multi-frame Grayscale Byte Secondary Capture Image | | CIOD |
Multi-frame Grayscale Word Secondary Capture Image | | CIOD |
Multi-frame True Color Secondary Capture Image | | CIOD |
X-Ray Angiographic Image | | CIOD |
X-Ray Radiofluoroscopic Image | | CIOD |
RT Image | | CIOD |
RT Dose | | CIOD |
RT Structure Set | | CIOD |
RT Plan | | CIOD |
Positron Emission Tomography Image | | CIOD |
Digital X-Ray Image | | CIOD |
Digital Mammography X-Ray Image | | CIOD |
Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray Image | | CIOD |
RT Beams Treatment Record | | CIOD |
RT Brachy Treatment Record | | CIOD |
RT Treatment Summary Record | | CIOD |
VL Endoscopic Image | | CIOD |
VL Microscopic Image | | CIOD |
VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic Image | | CIOD |
VL Photographic Image | | CIOD |
Video Endoscopic Image | | CIOD |
Video Microscopic Image | | CIOD |
Video Photographic Image | | CIOD |
VL Whole Slide Microscopy Image | | CIOD |
Real-Time Video Endoscopic Image | | CIOD |
Real-Time Video Photographic Image | | CIOD |
Dermoscopic Photography Image | | CIOD |
Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State | | CIOD |
Color Softcopy Presentation State | | CIOD |
Pseudo-Color Softcopy Presentation State | | CIOD |
Patient | M | Module - Patient |
Clinical Trial Subject | U | Module - Patient |
General Study | M | Module - Study |
Patient Study | U | Module - Study |
(0008,1080) Admitting Diagnoses Description | 3 | Long String |
(0008,1084) Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence | 3 | Sequence |
(0010,1010) Patient's Age | 3 | Age String |
(0010,1020) Patient's Size | 3 | Decimal String |
(0010,1021) Patient's Size Code Sequence | 3 | Sequence |
(0010,1022) Patient's Body Mass Index | 3 | Decimal String |
(0010,1023) Measured AP Dimension | 3 | Decimal String |
(0010,1024) Measured Lateral Dimension | 3 | Decimal String |
(0010,1030) Patient's Weight | 3 | Decimal String |
(0010,2000) Medical Alerts | 3 | Long String |
(0010,2110) Allergies | 3 | Long String |
(0010,2180) Occupation | 3 | Short String |
(0010,21A0) Smoking Status | 3 | Code String |
(0010,21B0) Additional Patient History | 3 | Long Text |
(0010,21C0) Pregnancy Status | 3 | Unsigned Short |
(0010,21D0) Last Menstrual Date | 3 | Date |
(0010,2203) Patient's Sex Neutered | 2C | Code String |
(0032,1066) Reason for Visit | 3 | Unlimited Text |
(0032,1067) Reason for Visit Code Sequence | 3 | Sequence |
(0038,0010) Admission ID | 3 | Long String |
(0038,0014) Issuer of Admission ID Sequence | 3 | Sequence |
(0040,0031) Local Namespace Entity ID | 1C | Unlimited Text |
(0040,0032) Universal Entity ID | 1C | Unlimited Text |
(0040,0033) Universal Entity ID Type | 1C | Code String |
(0038,0060) Service Episode ID | 3 | Long String |
(0038,0062) Service Episode Description | 3 | Long String |
(0038,0064) Issuer of Service Episode ID Sequence | 3 | Sequence |
(0038,0500) Patient State | 3 | Long String |
Clinical Trial Study | U | Module - Study |
General Series | M | Module - Series |
Clinical Trial Series | U | Module - Series |
Presentation Series | M | Module - Series |
General Equipment | M | Module - Equipment |
Presentation State Identification | M | Module - Presentation State |
Presentation State Relationship | M | Module - Presentation State |
Presentation State Shutter | M | Module - Presentation State |
Presentation State Mask | M | Module - Presentation State |
Mask | C | Module - Presentation State |
Display Shutter | C | Module - Presentation State |
Bitmap Display Shutter | C | Module - Presentation State |
Overlay Plane | C | Module - Presentation State |
Overlay Activation | C | Module - Presentation State |
Displayed Area | M | Module - Presentation State |
Graphic Annotation | C | Module - Presentation State |
Spatial Transformation | C | Module - Presentation State |
Graphic Layer | C | Module - Presentation State |
Graphic Group | U | Module - Presentation State |
Modality LUT | C | Module - Presentation State |
Softcopy VOI LUT | C | Module - Presentation State |
Palette Color Lookup Table | M | Module - Presentation State |
ICC Profile | M | Module - Presentation State |
Specimen | U | Module - Presentation State |
SOP Common | M | Module - Presentation State |
Blending Softcopy Presentation State | | CIOD |
Basic Structured Display | | CIOD |
XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State | | CIOD |
Advanced Blending Presentation State | | CIOD |
Variable Modality LUT Softcopy Presentation State | | CIOD |
Basic Voice Audio Waveform | | CIOD |
12-Lead ECG | | CIOD |
General ECG | | CIOD |
Ambulatory ECG | | CIOD |
Hemodynamic Waveform | | CIOD |
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology Waveform | | CIOD |
Arterial Pulse Waveform | | CIOD |
Respiratory Waveform | | CIOD |
General Audio Waveform | | CIOD |
Real-Time Audio Waveform | | CIOD |
Routine Scalp Electroencephalogram | | CIOD |
Electromyogram | | CIOD |
Electrooculogram | | CIOD |
Sleep Electroencephalogram | | CIOD |
Multi-channel Respiratory Waveform | | CIOD |
Body Position Waveform | | CIOD |
General 32-bit ECG | | CIOD |
Basic Text SR | | CIOD |
Enhanced SR | | CIOD |
Comprehensive SR | | CIOD |
Key Object Selection Document | | CIOD |
Mammography CAD SR | | CIOD |
Chest CAD SR | | CIOD |
Procedure Log | | CIOD |
X-Ray Radiation Dose SR | | CIOD |
Spectacle Prescription Report | | CIOD |
Colon CAD SR | | CIOD |
Macular Grid Thickness and Volume Report | | CIOD |
Implantation Plan SR Document | | CIOD |
Comprehensive 3D SR | | CIOD |
Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SR | | CIOD |
Extensible SR | | CIOD |
Acquisition Context SR | | CIOD |
Simplified Adult Echo SR | | CIOD |
Patient Radiation Dose SR | | CIOD |
Planned Imaging Agent Administration SR | | CIOD |
Performed Imaging Agent Administration SR | | CIOD |
Rendition Selection Document | | CIOD |
Enhanced X-Ray Radiation Dose SR | | CIOD |
Enhanced MR Image | | CIOD |
MR Spectroscopy | | CIOD |
Enhanced MR Color Image | | CIOD |
Raw Data | | CIOD |
Enhanced CT Image | | CIOD |
Spatial Registration | | CIOD |
Deformable Spatial Registration | | CIOD |
Spatial Fiducials | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit Image | | CIOD |
Stereometric Relationship | | CIOD |
Hanging Protocol | | CIOD |
Encapsulated PDF | | CIOD |
Encapsulated CDA | | CIOD |
Real World Value Mapping | | CIOD |
Enhanced XA Image | | CIOD |
Enhanced XRF Image | | CIOD |
RT Ion Plan | | CIOD |
RT Ion Beams Treatment Record | | CIOD |
Segmentation | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Tomography Image | | CIOD |
X-Ray 3D Angiographic Image | | CIOD |
X-Ray 3D Craniofacial Image | | CIOD |
Breast Tomosynthesis Image | | CIOD |
Enhanced PET Image | | CIOD |
Surface Segmentation | | CIOD |
Color Palette | | CIOD |
Enhanced US Volume | | CIOD |
Lensometry Measurements | | CIOD |
Autorefraction Measurements | | CIOD |
Keratometry Measurements | | CIOD |
Subjective Refraction Measurements | | CIOD |
Visual Acuity Measurements | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Axial Measurements | | CIOD |
Intraocular Lens Calculations | | CIOD |
Generic Implant Template | | CIOD |
Implant Assembly Template | | CIOD |
Implant Template Group | | CIOD |
RT Beams Delivery Instruction | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry Measurements | | CIOD |
Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Image | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Thickness Map | | CIOD |
Surface Scan Mesh | | CIOD |
Surface Scan Point Cloud | | CIOD |
Legacy Converted Enhanced CT Image | | CIOD |
Legacy Converted Enhanced MR Image | | CIOD |
Legacy Converted Enhanced PET Image | | CIOD |
Corneal Topography Map | | CIOD |
Breast Projection X-Ray Image | | CIOD |
Parametric Map | | CIOD |
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection Image | | CIOD |
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates Image | | CIOD |
Tractography Results | | CIOD |
RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery Instruction | | CIOD |
Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation State | | CIOD |
Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation State | | CIOD |
Content Assessment Results | | CIOD |
CT Performed Procedure Protocol | | CIOD |
CT Defined Procedure Protocol | | CIOD |
Protocol Approval | | CIOD |
XA Performed Procedure Protocol | | CIOD |
XA Defined Procedure Protocol | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face Image | | CIOD |
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis | | CIOD |
Encapsulated STL | | CIOD |
Encapsulated OBJ | | CIOD |
Encapsulated MTL | | CIOD |
RT Physician Intent | | CIOD |
RT Segment Annotation | | CIOD |
RT Radiation Set | | CIOD |
C-Arm Photon-Electron Radiation | | CIOD |
Tomotherapeutic Radiation | | CIOD |
Robotic-Arm Radiation | | CIOD |
RT Radiation Record Set | | CIOD |
RT Radiation Salvage Record | | CIOD |
C-Arm Photon-Electron Radiation Record | | CIOD |
Tomotherapeutic Radiation Record | | CIOD |
Robotic-Arm Radiation Record | | CIOD |
RT Radiation Set Delivery Instruction | | CIOD |
RT Treatment Preparation | | CIOD |
Enhanced RT Image | | CIOD |
Enhanced Continuous RT Image | | CIOD |
RT Patient Position Acquisition Instruction | | CIOD |
Microscopy Bulk Simple Annotations | | CIOD |
Inventory | | CIOD |
Photoacoustic Image | | CIOD |
Confocal Microscopy Image | | CIOD |
Confocal Microscopy Tiled Pyramidal Image | | CIOD |
Basic Directory | | CIOD |