Tag | (300A,079E) |
Type | Required (1) |
Keyword | RTRadiationSetDeliveryUsage |
Value Multiplicity | 1 |
Value Representation | Code String (CS) |
The intended usage of the RT Radiation Set.
This value may differ from the RT Radiation Set Intent (300A,0637) within the Instance referenced by the Referenced RT Radiation Set Sequence (300A,0702).
The Defined Terms are specified in C.
RT Radiation Set Intent (300A,0637) describes the intended usage of the Radiation Set. RT Radiation Set Usage (300A,0707) and RT Radiation Usage (300A,0701) record the actual usage of the Radiation Set or individual Radiations, which may differ from the intent.
Defined Terms for RT Radiation Set Intent (300A,0637), RT Radiation Set Usage (300A,0707) and RT Radiation Usage (300A,0701)
This Instance is for performing or recording treatment delivery. This does not constitute an approval for treatment. All parameters necessary to guide the delivery of RT Radiations are included.
This Instance is for validating or recording the patient-specific dose. For example, by delivering the RT Radiations to a phantom and comparing the calculated dose to the phantom with actual measurements made in the phantom.
This Instance is for performing or recording system quality assurance and calibration (geometric, dosimetric or both) procedures of the delivery machine and is not patient-specific.
This Instance is for performing or recording research and is not delivered to a patient.
This Instance is for performing or recording diagnostics, calibration or machine assessment by a service technician.
A treatment is defined by the RT Radiation Set SOP Instance whose RT Radiation Set Intent (300A,0637) value is TREATMENT. This value indicates that this RT Radiation Set is intended to be used for a treatment of the patient. The RT Radiation Set is sent to the treatment device and used for quality assurance without a patient being present. In this case, RT Radiation Set Usage (300A,0707) in the RT Radiation Record SOP Instance and the referenced RT Radiation Records have the value PLAN_QA. The same RT Radiation Set SOP Instance will be sent again to the treatment device for therapeutic radiation of a patient and then the RT Radiation Set Usage (300A,0707) of the SOP Instances recording the therapeutic radiation will contain the value TREATMENT.