Computed Radiography ImageCIOD
Nuclear Medicine ImageCIOD
Ultrasound ImageCIOD
Ultrasound Multi-frame ImageCIOD
Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Single Bit Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Grayscale Byte Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Grayscale Word Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame True Color Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
X-Ray Angiographic ImageCIOD
X-Ray Radiofluoroscopic ImageCIOD
RT Structure SetCIOD
Positron Emission Tomography ImageCIOD
Digital X-Ray ImageCIOD
Digital Mammography X-Ray ImageCIOD
Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray ImageCIOD
RT Beams Treatment RecordCIOD
RT Brachy Treatment RecordCIOD
RT Treatment Summary RecordCIOD
VL Endoscopic ImageCIOD
VL Microscopic ImageCIOD
VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic ImageCIOD
VL Photographic ImageCIOD
Video Endoscopic ImageCIOD
Video Microscopic ImageCIOD
Video Photographic ImageCIOD
VL Whole Slide Microscopy ImageCIOD
Real-Time Video Endoscopic ImageCIOD
Real-Time Video Photographic ImageCIOD
Dermoscopic Photography ImageCIOD
Grayscale Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Color Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Pseudo-Color Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Blending Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Basic Structured DisplayCIOD
XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Advanced Blending Presentation StateCIOD
Variable Modality LUT Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Basic Voice Audio WaveformCIOD
Ambulatory ECGCIOD
Hemodynamic WaveformCIOD
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology WaveformCIOD
Arterial Pulse WaveformCIOD
Respiratory WaveformCIOD
General Audio WaveformCIOD
Real-Time Audio WaveformCIOD
Routine Scalp ElectroencephalogramCIOD
Sleep ElectroencephalogramCIOD
Multi-channel Respiratory WaveformCIOD
Body Position WaveformCIOD
General 32-bit ECGCIOD
Basic Text SRCIOD
Enhanced SRCIOD
Comprehensive SRCIOD
Key Object Selection DocumentCIOD
Mammography CAD SRCIOD
Procedure LogCIOD
X-Ray Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Spectacle Prescription ReportCIOD
Macular Grid Thickness and Volume ReportCIOD
Implantation Plan SR DocumentCIOD
Comprehensive 3D SRCIOD
Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Extensible SRCIOD
Acquisition Context SRCIOD
Simplified Adult Echo SRCIOD
Patient Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Planned Imaging Agent Administration SRCIOD
Performed Imaging Agent Administration SRCIOD
Rendition Selection DocumentCIOD
Enhanced X-Ray Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Enhanced MR ImageCIOD
MR SpectroscopyCIOD
Enhanced MR Color ImageCIOD
Raw DataCIOD
Enhanced CT ImageCIOD
Spatial RegistrationCIOD
Deformable Spatial RegistrationCIOD
Spatial FiducialsCIOD
Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit ImageCIOD
Stereometric RelationshipCIOD
Hanging ProtocolCIOD
Encapsulated PDFCIOD
Encapsulated CDACIOD
Real World Value MappingCIOD
Enhanced XA ImageCIOD
Enhanced XRF ImageCIOD
RT Ion Beams Treatment RecordCIOD
Ophthalmic Tomography ImageCIOD
X-Ray 3D Angiographic ImageCIOD
X-Ray 3D Craniofacial ImageCIOD
Breast Tomosynthesis ImageCIOD
Enhanced PET ImageCIOD
Surface SegmentationCIOD
Color PaletteCIOD
Enhanced US VolumeCIOD
Lensometry MeasurementsCIOD
Autorefraction MeasurementsCIOD
Keratometry MeasurementsCIOD
Subjective Refraction MeasurementsCIOD
Visual Acuity MeasurementsCIOD
Ophthalmic Axial MeasurementsCIOD
Intraocular Lens CalculationsCIOD
Generic Implant TemplateCIOD
Implant Assembly TemplateCIOD
Implant Template GroupCIOD
RT Beams Delivery InstructionCIOD
Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry MeasurementsCIOD
Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Thickness MapCIOD
Surface Scan MeshCIOD
Surface Scan Point CloudCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced CT ImageCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced MR ImageCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced PET ImageCIOD
Corneal Topography MapCIOD
Breast Projection X-Ray ImageCIOD
Parametric MapCIOD
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection ImageCIOD
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates ImageCIOD
Tractography ResultsCIOD
RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery InstructionCIOD
Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation StateCIOD
Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation StateCIOD
Content Assessment ResultsCIOD
CT Performed Procedure ProtocolCIOD
PatientMModule - Patient
Clinical Trial SubjectUModule - Patient
General StudyMModule - Study
Patient StudyUModule - Study
Clinical Trial StudyUModule - Study
General SeriesMModule - Series
Clinical Trial SeriesUModule - Series
Enhanced SeriesMModule - Series
CT Protocol SeriesMModule - Series
Frame of ReferenceMModule - Frame of Reference
General EquipmentMModule - Equipment
Enhanced General EquipmentMModule - Equipment
Protocol ContextMModule - Procedure Protocol
Patient Protocol ContextUModule - Procedure Protocol
InstructionsUModule - Procedure Protocol
Patient PositioningUModule - Procedure Protocol
Performed CT AcquisitionUModule - Procedure Protocol
Performed CT ReconstructionUModule - Procedure Protocol
Performed StorageUModule - Procedure Protocol
(0018,9936) Storage Protocol Element Sequence1Sequence
(0008,1150) Referenced SOP Class UID1CUnique Identifier
(0008,1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID1CUnique Identifier
(0018,9921) Protocol Element Number1Unsigned Short
(0018,9922) Protocol Element Name2Long String
(0018,9923) Protocol Element Characteristics Summary3Unlimited Text
(0018,9924) Protocol Element Purpose3Unlimited Text
(0018,9938) Source Acquisition Protocol Element Number1CUnsigned Short
(0018,9939) Source Acquisition Beam Number1CUnsigned Short
(0018,993A) Source Reconstruction Protocol Element Number1CUnsigned Short
(0040,4033) Output Information Sequence1Sequence
(0008,1150) Referenced SOP Class UID1CUnique Identifier
(0040,4071) DICOM Storage Sequence1CSequence
(0040,4072) STOW-RS Storage Sequence1CSequence
(0040,4073) Storage URL1URL
(0040,4074) XDS Storage Sequence1CSequence
SOP CommonMModule - Procedure Protocol
CT Defined Procedure ProtocolCIOD
Protocol ApprovalCIOD
XA Performed Procedure ProtocolCIOD
XA Defined Procedure ProtocolCIOD
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume AnalysisCIOD
Encapsulated STLCIOD
Encapsulated OBJCIOD
Encapsulated MTLCIOD
RT Physician IntentCIOD
RT Segment AnnotationCIOD
RT Radiation SetCIOD
C-Arm Photon-Electron RadiationCIOD
Tomotherapeutic RadiationCIOD
Robotic-Arm RadiationCIOD
RT Radiation Record SetCIOD
RT Radiation Salvage RecordCIOD
C-Arm Photon-Electron Radiation RecordCIOD
Tomotherapeutic Radiation RecordCIOD
Robotic-Arm Radiation RecordCIOD
RT Radiation Set Delivery InstructionCIOD
RT Treatment PreparationCIOD
Enhanced RT ImageCIOD
Enhanced Continuous RT ImageCIOD
RT Patient Position Acquisition InstructionCIOD
Microscopy Bulk Simple AnnotationsCIOD
Photoacoustic ImageCIOD
Confocal Microscopy ImageCIOD
Confocal Microscopy Tiled Pyramidal ImageCIOD
Basic DirectoryCIOD

Built with by Innolitics, a team of medical imaging software developers.

Data synced with official DICOM standard on 18 April 2024. The DICOM Standard is under continuous maintenance, and the current official version is available at DICOM Parts 3, 4, and 6, © NEMA. Please note that the most recent PDF version of the standard is the official reference, and should checked when making technical decisions.

Storage URL Attribute

TypeRequired (1)
Value Multiplicity1
Value RepresentationURL (UR)

URI/URL specifying the location of the STOW-RS storage service to which Instances will be stored.

The value shall be a fully specified URI with protocol, authority and path, in accordance with [RFC3986] and Section 10.5 “Store Transaction” in PS3.18.


[RFC3986] IETF. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax. .

Section 10.5 “Store Transaction” in PS3.18

10.5 Store Transaction

This transaction uses the POST method to Store representations of Studies, Series, and Instances contained in the request payload.

The Store transaction supports only DICOM resources. The resource can be supplied as a single Instance, or as separate Metadata and Bulkdata.

10.5.1 Request

The request shall have the following syntax:

POST SP "/" {/resource} SP version CRLF
Accept: 1#media-type CRLF
Content-Type: dicom-media-type CRLF
(Content-Length: uint / Transfer-Encoding: encoding) CRLF
*(header-field CRLF)
payload Target Resources DICOM Resources

Table 10.5.1-1 defines the resources used to store Instances.

Table 10.5.1-1. Store Transaction DICOM Resources


URI Template




Stores a set of representations that may have different Study Instance UIDs.



Stores a set of representations that belong to the same Study, i.e., each representation shall have the same Study Instance UID. Query Parameters

The Store transaction has no Query Parameters. Request Header Fields

The origin server shall support Header Fields as required in Table 10.5.1-2.

The user agent shall supply in the request Header Fields as required in Table 10.5.1-2.

Table 10.5.1-2. Request Header Fields





User Agent

Origin Server





The DICOM Media Type of the request payload

Shall be present if the request has a payload





Shall be present if a transfer encoding has not been applied to the payload





Shall be present if a transfer encoding has been applied to the payload

See also Section 8.4. Request Payload

The request payload shall be present and shall contain one or more representations consistent with the Content-Type header field. The representations shall conform to Media Types described in Section 8.7.3 DICOM Media Type Sets. The payload shall conform to Section 8.6 Payloads.

The payload may contain representations of SOP Instances from more than one Study if the Study Instance UID is not specified in the Target URI.

The request payload shall consist of either:

  • PS3.10 representations of SOP Instances, or

  • Metadata and Bulkdata representations of SOP Instances.

PS3.10 representations of SOP instances shall be encoded with one representation per DICOM Instance.

Metadata and Bulkdata representations of SOP instances shall be encoded in the following manner (see Figure 8.6-1 Mapping between IOD and HTTP message parts):

  • XML representations of Metadata shall be encoded as described in the Native DICOM Model defined in PS3.19 with one representation per XML object.

  • JSON representations of Metadata shall be encoded as an array of DICOM JSON Model Objects defined in Annex F in a single representation.

  • Representations of Metadata may omit Attributes of the Image Pixel Description Macro for referenced pixel data whose representation is encoded in one of the media types specified in Table 10.5.2-1.

  • The Metadata shall include only the DICOM Dataset (without Bulkdata), and in particular shall not include any Group 0002 File Meta Information Data Elements. The origin server shall create appropriate File Meta Information depending on the media type of the supplied compressed pixel data, if it happens to internally store the Dataset in a PS3.10 File.

  • Uncompressed Bulkdata (including pixel data but with the exception of the Encapsulated Document (0042,0011) element) shall be encoded as application/octet-stream with one representation per Bulkdata item.

  • Compressed pixel data for a Single Frame Image shall be encoded as one compressed Bulkdata representation.

  • Compressed pixel data for a Multi-Frame Image shall be encoded as multiple Single Frame Image compressed Bulkdata representations.

  • Compressed pixel data for a Video shall be encoded as one compressed Bulkdata representation.

  • The Encapsulated Document (0042,0011) Bulkdata element shall be encoded using the media-type from the MIME Type of the Encapsulated Document (0042,0012) Attribute with one representation per document.

10.5.2 Behavior

The origin server stores Instances from the representations contained in the request payload.

The stored Instance(s) shall fully conform to the IOD and encoding requirements of PS3.3 and PS3.5, respectively.

This Transaction stores one or more new Instances, and adds them to new or existing Series and Studies.

While creating resources from the representations, the origin server may coerce or replace the values of data elements. For example, Patient Name, Patient ID, and Accession Number might be coerced when importing media from an external institution, reconciling the Instances against a master patient index, or reconciling them against an imaging procedure order. The origin server may also fix incorrect values, such as Patient Name or Patient ID; for example, because an incorrect work list item was chosen, or an operator input error has occurred.

If any Attribute is coerced or corrected, the Original Attribute Sequence (0400,0561) shall be included in the DICOM Object that is stored and may be included in the Store Instances Response Module (see Annex I) in the response.


For more information on populating the Original Attribute Sequence see Section C.12.1 “SOP Common Module” in PS3.3.

The origin server shall encapsulate or convert any compressed pixel data received as Bulkdata into an appropriate DICOM Transfer Syntax, as defined in Table 10.5.2-1.

If the request message contains compressed Bulkdata with a Content Type that is one of the media types specified in Table 10.5.2-1, the request may omit the Image Pixel Description Macro Attributes and the origin server will derive them from the compressed octet stream. Some media types do not directly correspond to a DICOM Transfer Syntax and the origin server will transform the received bit stream into an uncompressed or lossless (reversibly) compressed Transfer Syntax.


  1. This allows a user agent to use consumer media types to encode the pixel data even though it may not have:

    • the pixel data in a form that directly corresponds to a lossless (reversible) DICOM Transfer Syntax, or

    • an API to access the information required to populate the Image Pixel Description Macro.

  2. If the supplied compressed bit stream is in a lossless (reversible) format, the intent is to allow full fidelity retrieval of the decompressed pixels, not the format in which it happened to be submitted.

The origin server shall encapsulate or convert any compressed pixel data received as bulk data into an appropriate DICOM Transfer Syntax, as defined in Table 10.5.2-1.

If the supplied compressed octet stream is in a lossy (irreversible) format, there will be a corresponding DICOM Transfer Syntax, and the origin server is not expected to recompress it causing further loss. Table 10.5.2-1 contains a list of media types containing compressed pixel data from which an origin server shall be able to derive the Image Pixel Data Description Macro Attribute values.

Requirements are specified in Table 10.5.2-1 as follows:


No DICOM Transfer Syntax exists; shall be transformed by the origin server into an uncompressed or lossless compressed Transfer Syntax (the choice of which is at the discretion of the origin server).


Shall be encapsulated in the corresponding DICOM Transfer Syntax without further lossy compression.

Table 10.5.2-1. Media Type Transformation to Transfer Syntaxes

Media Type



















  1. In the case of pixel data supplied as image/gif or image/png, the origin server may transform the color representation from indexed color to true color (RGB) as necessary to conform to any Photometric Interpretation constraints specified by the IOD (i.e., if PALETTE COLOR is not permitted) ; such a transformation is considered lossless.

  2. If the number of bits per channel of an image/png file is not supported by the IOD, a lossless transformation cannot be performed.

  3. An animated image/gif will be converted into a multi-frame image by transforming the frame deltas into fully decoded frames; image/png does not support animation, and Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) is not included in Table 10.5.2-1.

  4. Any transparency information present in an image/gif or image/png file will be discarded, since DICOM does not support the concept of transparency. The actual pixel value used to replace transparent pixels (e.g., black or white) is at the discretion of the implementation, but if the value used does not appear elsewhere in the image, it may be useful to record it in Pixel Padding Value (0028,0120).

  5. If an alpha channel is supplied in an image/png file, the alpha channel will be discarded (i.e., considered to consist of all opaque values, consistent with the policy of discarding any transparency information).

  6. In the case of pixel data that contains a single channel in the absence of metadata describing the interpretation of the pixel values, the Photometric Interpretation may be assumed by the origin server to be MONOCHROME2 (zero is interpreted as black).

10.5.3 Response

The response shall have the following syntax:

version SP status-code SP reason-phrase CRLF
[Content-Type: media-type CRLF]
[(Content-Length: uint CRLF / Transfer-Encoding: encoding CRLF) ]
*(header-field CRLF)

The response shall contain an appropriate status code.

If any element is coerced or corrected, the Original Attribute Sequence (0400,0561) shall be included in the DICOM Object that is stored and may be included in the Store Instances Response Module (see Annex I) in the response. Status Codes

Table 10.5.3-1 shows some common status codes corresponding to this transaction. See also Section 8.5 for additional status codes.

Table 10.5.3-1. Status Code Meaning





200 (OK)

The origin server successfully stored all Instances.

202 (Accepted)

The origin server stored some of the Instances but warnings or failures exist for others.

Additional information regarding this error may be found in the response message body.


400 (Bad Request)

The origin server was unable to store any instances due to bad syntax.

409 (Conflict)

The request was formed correctly but the origin server was unable to store any instances due to a conflict in the request (e.g., unsupported SOP Class or Study Instance UID mismatch).

This may also be used to indicate that the origin server was unable to store any instances for a mixture of reasons.

Additional information regarding the instance errors may be found in the payload.

415 (Unsupported Media Type)

The origin server does not support the media type specified in the Content-Type header field of the request. Response Header Fields

The origin server shall support header fields as required in Table 10.5.3-2.

Table 10.5.3-2. Response Header Fields



Origin Server Usage





The media type of the response payload, if present.




Shall be present if the response payload does not have a transfer encoding. See Section 8.4.3.




Shall be present if the response payload has a transfer encoding. See Section 8.4.3.




Shall be present if a new resource was created. The value is the URL of the representation contained in the request payload.

May be present otherwise.




Shall be present if a new resource was created. The value is the URL of the created resource.

May be present otherwise.

All success responses shall also contain the Content Representation (see Section 8.4.2) and Payload header fields (see Section 8.4.3) with appropriate values.

It is recommended that the text returned in the Warning header field (see [RFC7234] Section 5.5) contain a DICOM Status Code (see PS3.4 and Annex C “Status Type Encoding (Normative)” in PS3.7) and descriptive reason. For example:

Warning: A700 <service>: Out of memory

See also Section 8.4. Response Payload

A success response payload shall contain a Store Instances Response Module. See Annex I.

A failure response payload may contain a Status Report describing any failures, warnings, or other useful information.

10.5.4 Media Types

The origin server shall support the default and required media types as specified in Table 10.5.4-1.

Table 10.5.4-1. Default, Required, and Optional Media Types

Media Type



multipart/related; type="application/dicom"



multipart/related; type="application/dicom+json"



multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"



multipart/related; type="application/octet-stream"



multipart/related; type= a Compressed Bulkdata Media Type



10.5.5 Conformance Statement

An implementation conforming to the Store transaction shall support the resources and media types specified in Section 10.5.

An implementation shall declare in its Conformance Statement the SOP Classes supported for the Store transaction, and whether it plays the role of origin server or user agent, or both.

Implementation specific warning and error codes shall be included in the Conformance Statement.