Computed Radiography ImageCIOD
Nuclear Medicine ImageCIOD
Ultrasound ImageCIOD
Ultrasound Multi-frame ImageCIOD
Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Single Bit Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Grayscale Byte Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame Grayscale Word Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
Multi-frame True Color Secondary Capture ImageCIOD
X-Ray Angiographic ImageCIOD
X-Ray Radiofluoroscopic ImageCIOD
RT Structure SetCIOD
Positron Emission Tomography ImageCIOD
Digital X-Ray ImageCIOD
Digital Mammography X-Ray ImageCIOD
Digital Intra-Oral X-Ray ImageCIOD
RT Beams Treatment RecordCIOD
RT Brachy Treatment RecordCIOD
RT Treatment Summary RecordCIOD
VL Endoscopic ImageCIOD
VL Microscopic ImageCIOD
VL Slide-Coordinates Microscopic ImageCIOD
VL Photographic ImageCIOD
Video Endoscopic ImageCIOD
Video Microscopic ImageCIOD
Video Photographic ImageCIOD
VL Whole Slide Microscopy ImageCIOD
Real-Time Video Endoscopic ImageCIOD
Real-Time Video Photographic ImageCIOD
Dermoscopic Photography ImageCIOD
Grayscale Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Color Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Pseudo-Color Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Blending Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Basic Structured DisplayCIOD
XA/XRF Grayscale Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Advanced Blending Presentation StateCIOD
Variable Modality LUT Softcopy Presentation StateCIOD
Basic Voice Audio WaveformCIOD
Ambulatory ECGCIOD
Hemodynamic WaveformCIOD
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology WaveformCIOD
Arterial Pulse WaveformCIOD
Respiratory WaveformCIOD
General Audio WaveformCIOD
Real-Time Audio WaveformCIOD
Routine Scalp ElectroencephalogramCIOD
Sleep ElectroencephalogramCIOD
Multi-channel Respiratory WaveformCIOD
Body Position WaveformCIOD
General 32-bit ECGCIOD
Basic Text SRCIOD
Enhanced SRCIOD
Comprehensive SRCIOD
Key Object Selection DocumentCIOD
Mammography CAD SRCIOD
Procedure LogCIOD
X-Ray Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Spectacle Prescription ReportCIOD
Macular Grid Thickness and Volume ReportCIOD
Implantation Plan SR DocumentCIOD
Comprehensive 3D SRCIOD
Radiopharmaceutical Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Extensible SRCIOD
Acquisition Context SRCIOD
Simplified Adult Echo SRCIOD
Patient Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Planned Imaging Agent Administration SRCIOD
Performed Imaging Agent Administration SRCIOD
Rendition Selection DocumentCIOD
Enhanced X-Ray Radiation Dose SRCIOD
Enhanced MR ImageCIOD
MR SpectroscopyCIOD
Enhanced MR Color ImageCIOD
Raw DataCIOD
Enhanced CT ImageCIOD
Spatial RegistrationCIOD
Deformable Spatial RegistrationCIOD
Spatial FiducialsCIOD
Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Photography 16 Bit ImageCIOD
Stereometric RelationshipCIOD
Hanging ProtocolCIOD
Encapsulated PDFCIOD
Encapsulated CDACIOD
Real World Value MappingCIOD
Enhanced XA ImageCIOD
Enhanced XRF ImageCIOD
RT Ion Beams Treatment RecordCIOD
Ophthalmic Tomography ImageCIOD
X-Ray 3D Angiographic ImageCIOD
X-Ray 3D Craniofacial ImageCIOD
Breast Tomosynthesis ImageCIOD
Enhanced PET ImageCIOD
Surface SegmentationCIOD
Color PaletteCIOD
Enhanced US VolumeCIOD
Lensometry MeasurementsCIOD
Autorefraction MeasurementsCIOD
Keratometry MeasurementsCIOD
Subjective Refraction MeasurementsCIOD
Visual Acuity MeasurementsCIOD
Ophthalmic Axial MeasurementsCIOD
Intraocular Lens CalculationsCIOD
Generic Implant TemplateCIOD
Implant Assembly TemplateCIOD
Implant Template GroupCIOD
RT Beams Delivery InstructionCIOD
Ophthalmic Visual Field Static Perimetry MeasurementsCIOD
Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Thickness MapCIOD
Surface Scan MeshCIOD
Surface Scan Point CloudCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced CT ImageCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced MR ImageCIOD
Legacy Converted Enhanced PET ImageCIOD
Corneal Topography MapCIOD
Breast Projection X-Ray ImageCIOD
Parametric MapCIOD
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography Stereographic Projection ImageCIOD
Wide Field Ophthalmic Photography 3D Coordinates ImageCIOD
Tractography ResultsCIOD
RT Brachy Application Setup Delivery InstructionCIOD
Planar MPR Volumetric Presentation StateCIOD
Volume Rendering Volumetric Presentation StateCIOD
Content Assessment ResultsCIOD
CT Performed Procedure ProtocolCIOD
CT Defined Procedure ProtocolCIOD
Protocol ApprovalCIOD
XA Performed Procedure ProtocolCIOD
XA Defined Procedure ProtocolCIOD
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography En Face ImageCIOD
Ophthalmic Optical Coherence Tomography B-scan Volume AnalysisCIOD
Encapsulated STLCIOD
Encapsulated OBJCIOD
Encapsulated MTLCIOD
RT Physician IntentCIOD
RT Segment AnnotationCIOD
RT Radiation SetCIOD
C-Arm Photon-Electron RadiationCIOD
Tomotherapeutic RadiationCIOD
PatientMModule - Patient
Clinical Trial SubjectUModule - Patient
General StudyMModule - Study
Patient StudyUModule - Study
Clinical Trial StudyUModule - Study
General SeriesMModule - Series
Clinical Trial SeriesUModule - Series
Enhanced RT SeriesMModule - Series
General EquipmentMModule - Equipment
Enhanced General EquipmentMModule - Equipment
Frame of ReferenceMModule - Frame of Reference
General ReferenceMModule - RT Radiation
RT Delivery Device CommonMModule - RT Radiation
RT Radiation CommonMModule - RT Radiation
Tomotherapeutic Delivery DeviceMModule - RT Radiation
Tomotherapeutic BeamMModule - RT Radiation
(0018,9305) Revolution Time1CDouble
(0018,9309) Table Speed1CDouble
(300A,0604) Number of RT Control Points1Unsigned Short
(3010,0098) Tomotherapeutic Control Point Sequence1Sequence
(300A,0600) RT Control Point Index1Unsigned Short
(300A,0605) Referenced Radiation Generation Mode Index1CUnsigned Short
(300A,060B) Referenced Treatment Position Index1CUnsigned Short
(300A,063C) Cumulative Meterset1CDouble
(300A,063D) Delivery Rate2CDouble
(300A,063E) Delivery Rate Unit Sequence1CSequence
(300A,0656) RT Beam Limiting Device Opening Sequence1CSequence
(300A,0657) Number of RT Beam Limiting Device Openings1CUnsigned Short
(300A,067A) Source Roll Angle1CDouble
(300A,0689) Beam Area Limit Sequence1CSequence
(300A,073A) Recorded RT Control Point DateTime1CDate Time
(300A,073B) Referenced Radiation RT Control Point Index2CUnsigned Short
(3010,0099) Tomotherapeutic Leaf Open Durations1CDouble
(3010,009A) Tomotherapeutic Leaf Initial Closed Durations1CDouble
SOP CommonMModule - RT Radiation
Common Instance ReferenceMModule - RT Radiation
Radiotherapy Common InstanceMModule - RT Radiation
Robotic-Arm RadiationCIOD
RT Radiation Record SetCIOD
RT Radiation Salvage RecordCIOD
C-Arm Photon-Electron Radiation RecordCIOD
Tomotherapeutic Radiation RecordCIOD
Robotic-Arm Radiation RecordCIOD
RT Radiation Set Delivery InstructionCIOD
RT Treatment PreparationCIOD
Enhanced RT ImageCIOD
Enhanced Continuous RT ImageCIOD
RT Patient Position Acquisition InstructionCIOD
Microscopy Bulk Simple AnnotationsCIOD
Photoacoustic ImageCIOD
Confocal Microscopy ImageCIOD
Confocal Microscopy Tiled Pyramidal ImageCIOD
Basic DirectoryCIOD

Built with by Innolitics, a team of medical imaging software developers.

Data synced with official DICOM standard on 18 April 2024. The DICOM Standard is under continuous maintenance, and the current official version is available at DICOM Parts 3, 4, and 6, © NEMA. Please note that the most recent PDF version of the standard is the official reference, and should checked when making technical decisions.

Source Roll Angle Attribute

TypeConditionally Required (1C)
Value Multiplicity1
Value RepresentationDouble (FD)

Source roll angle in degrees of the Radiation Source at the Control Point with respect to the Equipment Coordinate System. The angle is a Continuous Rotation Angle, see Section C.

See Section C. and Section C.

Required if the conditions in Section C. are satisfied.

Section C.

C. Continuous Rotation Angle

A Continuous Rotation Angle is an angle in the range (-∞,+∞).

Continuous Rotation Angle represent a rotation direction and magnitude. The magnitude is not limited to be between 0 and 360 degrees.

All rotations are defined in a right-handed coordinate system, thus the direction of a positive rotation is seen as clockwise when viewed in the positive direction of the axis of rotation.

Section C.

C. Source Roll Angle

For an Equipment Frame of Reference UID (300A,0675) of 1.2.840.10008. ([IEC 61217] Fixed Coordinate System Frame of Reference), the source roll angle is the rotation of the [IEC 61217] GANTRY coordinate system about the Y-axis of the [IEC 61217] FIXED coordinate system.

Section C.

C. Equipment Frame of Reference UID

The Equipment Frame of Reference UID (300A,0675) identifies the Equipment Coordinate System for a Treatment Delivery Device, see Section

The RT Radiation SOP Classes are bound by the Standard to specific Well-known Frames of Reference as defined in Table A-2 in PS3.6 . For C-Arm based devices delivering radiation at a single machine isocenter this may be the [IEC 61217] coordinate system. Devices are calibrated to a specific Well-known Frame of Reference and thus use the corresponding Well-known UID in Equipment Frame of Reference UID (300A,0675).

For RT Radiation SOP Classes the result of the transformation between the Patient-based Coordinate System and the Equipment Coordinate System is used to describe the intended treatment position. If two or more transformation matrices describe the relation between two or more Patient-based coordinate systems and a single Equipment Coordinate System, any calculations assuming transitivity via the Equipment Coordinate System must be performed with great care because the patients anatomy may have changed.

For RT Radiation Record SOP Classes the result of the transformation between the Patient-based Coordinate System and the Equipment Coordinate System is used to describe the actual treatment position. In this case the transformation matrices between different Patient-Based coordinate Systems and a single Equipment Coordinate System shall not be considered transitive from an anatomical point of view and may only be used to compare different treatment positions with respect to the treatment delivery device.

Section C.

C. Requirements for Changing Values within RT Control Point Sequence Attributes

This Section specifies when individual Attributes shall be present in a Sequence.

The RT Control Point Sequence specifies a certain order of execution.

At each RT Control Point the value of various Attributes may be specified as an explicit value (which in the case of a type 2C Attribute may be a null value) and if absent remain at the same value as specified previously. There are physical and mechanical implications of specifying a new value as opposed to staying at the same value, for example gear lash, floating point jitter, etc.

At the first Sequence Item in RT Control Point Sequences (i.e., with an RT Control Point Index (300A,0600) equal to 1) all Attributes affected by this Section shall be present if applicable conditions are met.

For Sequence Items other than the first Sequence Item, Attributes shall be present if applicable conditions are met and the value is different from the previously populated value for the same Attribute (in the case of a type 2C Attribute, a null value is considered as a value). The previously populated value is the value from the Item where the Attribute was present with the greatest value of RT Control Point Index (300A,0600) less than the value of the RT Control Point Index (300A,0600) in the current Item.

This means that for an Item in which an Attribute is absent, the application stays at the value of the previously populated Item.

For Sequences inside a RT Control Point Sequence Item, the Sequence shall be present if any of the nested Attributes affected by this Section differ from the corresponding previously populated Item.

For multi-valued Attributes, such as Parallel RT Beam Delimiter Positions (300A,064A), all values shall be present if any value changes.